Hourly to Daily DigitalOcean backups

The problem

DigitalOcean is a great cloud provider, but has one small problem: you only have weekly backups for your Droplets.

You can enable the weekly backups for each Droplet at a cost of 20% of the Droplet price per month. For some people weekly backups of their Droplets are not enough.

Digging deeper

Luckily, beside bakups, DigitalOcean also has Snapshots. Under the hood, a snapshot is almost identical to a backup, but there are some key differences:

  • instead of paying 20% of the Droplet price, you pay 0.05$ per GB per month
  • they are not automatically created once per week, but you have to manually trigger the creation event
  • when the Droplet is deleted, the backups are also deleted. Opposite, snapshots are kept even if the Droplet is deleted
  • a snapshot can be stored in multiple regions at no extra cost


Weap.io allows you to schedule more frequent backups of your Droplets and Volumes. Under the hood, all the backups are actually DigitalOcean Snapshots.

Beside scheduling the frequency, you can also decide how long a snapshot should be kept.

For example, you can schedule a backup to be created daily and retain the last 5 daily backups, the last 4 weekly and the last 3 monthly backups.
Additionally, you can select in which DigitalOcean regions the snapshots should be replicated.

For each snapshot, DigitalOcean charges you 0.05$ per month per GB. There is no extra charge for replicating the snapshots in up to 10 DigitalOncean regions.

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